Claims Adjudication IconGO! WebAccess Revenue Cycle Manager

After you deliver service and your clients are satisfied, an electronic claims processing system will check it for completeness, accuracy and whether the services are covered under your plan.

Providers often struggle to process claims because of incorrect billing codes, diagnoses and discrepancies of services not authorized. With GO! WebAccess providers can streamline their claims management, ensuring clean claims and minimizing errors and denials. Claims are not submitted to payers or clearing houses unless the service reconciles with prior authorizations and the all the required codes are in place. Our user friendly system offers an easy two-step process for claims processing, allowing providers to connect with thousands of payers and clearing houses.

Key Benefits of Our Claims Processing Engine

● Automatically convert paper invoices
● Reduce claims processing efforts
● Easy provider and payer onboarding
● Instant remittance and payment postings
● Faster reimbursement and cash flow

Stay Compliant with the Pre-Billing Claims-Check

Our pre-billing module tool is a real-time, rules-based engine that ensures providers submit 100% compliant, clean claims. The module prevents providers from submitting claims that do not pass all of the prerequisites.